Saturday, 28 October 2017

Team-Work makes Dream-Work !

 NICE Customer Service Appreciation Week'17

It takes a team to achieve a dream. 
                      But what does it take to create a Team ?

" Commitment that inspires Results
Contributions that make a Difference 
Competency  that raises the  Standard
Communication that raises Effectiveness
Cooperation  that creates Harmony
Chemistry that enhances Personal Connection
Creativity that enlarges the Team's Potential
Conflict Management that reduces Tension Rapidly
Cohesiveness  that allows change to be Rapid
Community that makes the journey Fun "

     The above lines are from the book of  Team Work makes the Dream Work  by  John C. Maxwell.  

 Every C's  stated above is what needed to build a good team. To celebrate this teamwork and their dedication, NICE  had organized  Customer Service Appreciation Week'17. CSAW'17  was organized one entire whole week from Oct 23 to Oct 27'17.  

      Lots of Fun filled activities were organized all across the NICE office in the world. NICE Bangalore, too marked this CSAW'17 Week. Lets have look.


   All the teams have decorated their bay to mark the start of CSAW  week.
APS Room Decoration by team members

Bay decoration by various teams at Bangalore Office,NICE
   APS/CloudTeam teams both marked to grab the 1st prize for Bay Decoration.


         Day two was marked by fun activities like Memory game- to know who your remembrance power is, Plank game- to test your  physical strength in form of  1minute game. The games were organized in 3sessionns to cover all the people. 

   Day3 & Day4:

                Day3 & Day4 marked the events keeping motive that  Talent wins games, but teamwork  & intelligence win championships


           Day5 the last day of CSAW'17 week marked with Housie game  followed by Panipuri. Some glimpse:

   The week marked with full of energy, excitement, fun and team spirit. Such events makes the office a better workplace. 😊😊