Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Work Environment......

 A lot of thanks to the readers: my friends & well wishers.. for giving their valuable suggestions and inspiring me to write further.Today, i would like to speak up to you and share my experience relating to the corporate world. Let me ask you a question:

Does Work Environment really matters in our Corporate Life.....???

      Some of the people may think it as a useless question as we do job only to earn money. But for me & to most of us,it is much beyond that. I strongly believe and most of  you would also agree:
     "If we keep our Employees happy, in return they will keep our Clients/Customers happy". That's what makes a good base of success in corporate.

I use to think like the same as i have shared you in my previous blog about the corporate world. But when I joined Mphasis, my views got changed. The environment here for working was quit attracting me. My manager Mr. Vishwanath S., is expressive and friendly towards there employees but same time passionate about the work.
   I made couple  of mistakes as i was new joiner before 3 months ago, but he did discuss it with me in such a way that would not make any of employee feel guilty and would inspire them to work on by sharing with us his real life stories and still he is the same.  Talking about the colleagues, yeah! they are also good and helps co-colleague whenever they get stuck to any problem and help them out and share the knowledge with others.
And ya colleagues from other team mates to are good enough with each others whether the person is from there team or not.I have made some friends from other teams.

 Talking about the Work environment of Mphasis, it is very good. Every month, there are Rewards and Recognition for the  deserving employees of each department. Time to Time, the Employee Engagement group of Mphasis organizes many activities for the employees to make them refresh.

 So, Healthy Work Environment is very essential in your life. It keeps you and me motivating towards our work and let us to be happy in our personal life too.

         Salary is not the key to happiness either. It actually comes in to play as a factor of unhappiness – we will be unhappy if we think others in our company or industry are being paid more to do the same. As per Princelon Study, people who are highly paid are relatively satisfied but are barely happier day to day, tend to be more tense and do not spend their time doing more enjoyable things, than lower paid people task.

     In fact, Perks are Less important than Engagement which occurs when staff feel they are contributing to something significant.


                   "Happiness is what something you do"

Please keep following points that will help you to enjoy your work Environment:

1.Random acts of workplace happiness: When was the last time you brought a co-worker a cup of coffee unprompted or without warning?

2.Stop negative behaviour: It acts like a cancer at your workplace.

3.Celebrate Success & Mistakes too.

        I hope you liked my today's article. Please share your valuable comments and suggestions about how you like it?  Stay Healthy, Stay Happy.

Monday, 20 June 2016

College Life: The Past Time Corporate Life: The Present Time

Wow..!! Having an unusual happy feeling while writing a blog for the first time to share my experience with you all....

 Its not that before haven't posted on blog, but it was all kind of a sharing of knowledge from some source. But today...Though to share my own views and experiences with you about the College Life Vs Corporate Life....

 Most of you reading this post may be Engineers or MBA/Management Graduates.. As like of you, I was and I  am too attached towards my college life, College Friends and many more things that happened with us in Our College Life....

  But Coming into this Professional or so called Corporate world, My life got totally turned out... 
 In college Life, I used to ask questions  regarding the particular subjects to concern teachers, participate in Many technical as well as corporate events. Use to bunk lectures: very frequently and Enjoy with my Jain Gang mostly. This all had had got a special place in my Life. 

In College, 
           We had dedicated teachers for particular subject, but coming to the Professional World,it made me realized that, Here we have Multiple task but only One Manager keeping the objective to always Improve our Performance.  I had KT's in many subjects during my semester's of Engineering Life & thank to god we had another chance to clear it...But here, If you score low in your Performance.. you are answerable to your senior authorities...As in return it was going to affect to ourselves directly or indirectly...

Experiencing a Robotic Life after getting a Job in a MNC Company is common to most of us: Come to the Office on time, Do the assigned task, go to home and this circle repeats continuously....
Whenever we go towards our Boss/Managers asking for the leave.... He would fire you with this common question Mostly: Who will perform the work in your absence????
 And it  affects our Wallet, despite taking the leave for some relaxation Because..
 While being in College, we use to bunk Lectures and spend money on Movies,outings and in Canteens with our "FRIENDS", But if we take a leave(bunk) from office, we are going to loose money. And in such case if you are having a Girl Friend.. then it is top to the Hell..who were with you due to your handsome good looking repo in college days,, are now stuck to you  due to your heavily paid salaries...
The recently passed out batch of graduates...who are on the hunt of getting a job, will be shortly going to experience this in their life... So better will be for you, if you keep the following things in mind... That i have experienced:-

Try to better adapt yourself accordingly..Remember "To improve is to change,but to be perfect is to change often". This is the Circle of Life.

 "The sooner you adapt the changes,the faster you will excel in Life"

  Give your valuable views and suggestions top my post...that will encourage me to write further...