Tuesday, 20 June 2017

The Mini Kashmir.....


           Enjoying the first experience in itself is a special feeling. Being passionate about traveling, traveled across many places alone. But the  Enjoyment in enjoying the journey with group of adventurous people like you has its own Charm.

   After spending Two & half years in Pune, was lucky enough to enjoy 2 days free from the usual  Monday to Friday office Life, with no mobile network coverage...

   Luckily, got to know about this Mini Kashmir Tapola  through the PALS-Passionate Adventurous Lively Soul,  a adventurous group made by couple of  friends almost 7 months ago with motive to introduce  the people to the beauty of nature, leaving behind the daily routine and enjoy the lovely moments.

  17th-18th of June'17 was fixed for the visit of  Mini Kashmir. Picking up the enthusiastic people across the Journey, the bus finally took its route towards the Tapola. At first, it was  somewhat awkward to interact with others who were in their own group of friends. 

   As soon as the bus got on its way, this feeling of awkwardness started disappearing slowly.  We started interacting with each other. Enjoying the journey with group of people together, without playing Antakshri & DumSheras,  is not possible.This gave a spark to our excitement in journey.

        After enjoyment of 3-4 hrs in traveling, we finally reach near by Tapola.  We stopped the bus along the roadside to enjoy the mesmerizing view of mountains.

   Finally, we reached our destination  Tapola. The natural scenes of Mini Kashmir were not letting our eyes to get distracted. Really it is Mini Kashmir.

  Post  Homely Lunch, we started to move down to riverside.


    It was time for the mud-bath. One by One, everyone started entering into the mud area. Everyone started to throw mud on each other. Playing the tug-of-war & Volleyball  in the mud was an awesome experience. 
 After the Mud-bath Experience, we enjoyed the Barbecue & DJ Floor with DJ Cheetah.
DJ night with DJ Cheetah(insight)
  Any Campaign is incomplete without the bonfire.

 The jamming Session by Shruti and Vaibhav was full  "Paisa-wasool".  
  After the dinner which almost lasted past midnight, we had Musical chair round won by Arko Roy,   followed by Balloon & the rope game. Playing the game, despite being tired, was in itself a thrilling experience
               After a sweet sleep,  and a stumptuous breakfast, we started our trekking on the mountain along the next side of river. 
  Along the riverside, we did Mannequin Challenge. Watch out its video...

            You get sigh of relief when you have the water into your mouth after  thirst while trekking the mountain.

   The trek was quite risky on return. But team effort made the trek more exciting. Some Moments of trekking.....

  The DDLJ's Pose..

 After the fun trek, we had Lunch and started our journey back to Pune after a wonderful weekend. 
   Indeed it was a great first time experience for me. Got new friends & amazing memories with them. 
           It was well managed and fun filled event organized by PALS.  PALS' volunteers didn't let us feel that they are the organizers, they got mixed up with us and enjoyed the journey along with us. 
   Thanks to PALS for organizing such amazing event.  Thanks to all my friends for making me comfortable along the Journey.

To know more about PALS, visit: https://www.facebook.com/PALSLAND/

Sunday, 4 June 2017

The First Experience...

    The First AIR Journey....




 For most of us, since childhood, it has been dream of traveling in the plane  whenever we use to see it  upwards in the sky..

  Finally over the years, I got this chance to turn one of  the childhood dreams true. My sister-in-law's marriage was fixed on 27th of  May'17.  As soon as I got to know, immediately booked the tickets for Indore from Pune. The one way journey was planned by railway - as it's my favorite one & in return, I planned for the Air journey - to feel  the new experience.  

 20 days more to go after booking the ticket. My excitement was increasing  day by day as the date was coming nearer. I booked the Indigo flight in return as it  was comfortable for me on my pocket as well as time.  

Finally the day came 25th May, I boarded the train Pune-Indore Express at 3.20pm from Pune Railway station. After being freshened up, as i arrived directly from office to board the train, i had some refreshment and started reading the book "Second Spring"  by Sandhya Jane. Reading the book to spend the time is my most favorite part while traveling through Train. 

 Next morning, I reached indore by 8.30am.After getting freshened up and having breakfast at sister's home, i got busy in wedding arrangements.

 Next day at Wedding Place, Guests started coming and simultaneously functions also. It didn't got stuck to mind how time went by in functions and wedding ceremony. 

Took  rest on 28th morning and had lunch by 2pm. After packing up the stuffs, I departed for the airport at 5pm though the flight was at 8pm.

  The time came nearby and the excitement increased. As soon as I reached the airport, my eyes started to wander here-and-there as it was first time for me to see the airport.

At the entrance gate, the security police asked to verify ticket and ID card. It is very important as on Security point of view to avoid  any unauthorized & Illegal entry. As i was new to all the procedures need to follow before boarding the plane, I asked the Indigo Company men what all process needs to follow who were there to help the passengers. 

   As per his instructions. I kept my trolley bag at counter for security check. then I get into the line to collect the boarding pass. As there were many passengers in the queue, I was watching the ICC Champions trophy Warm up match at LED Screen that was put in the Airport Premises for passengers, waiting for my turn to come.

After collecting the boarding pass, I went over the small beverage cum snacks stall to enjoy a small cup of tomato soup.  Also took some selfies and single pics of self during the time.

After 2nd stage security checking, I waited in at the lounge for on boarding. Must say, the security police are very strict. even they don't allow water bottle inside, Only 100ml of water is permitted to carry. 

     Finally  the time arrived to board the plane. The Indigo bus came to take passengers from terminal to the plane.

  Both the sides there were planes and the Ground team were checking if all is fine or not in plane.. 

       I Entered the Plane after warmly greeted by the Air Hostess. Getting on to the seat, was feeling awesome. 

After all the passengers got in, The air hostess started to give instructions for tying the seat belt.

 Further, the air hostess started instructing us regarding the use of emergency exits and escape methods and safety precautions to be followed in Emergency time.  

 Finally, the Captain announced to fly. Excitement was on its Peak. The moment the plane started leaving the runway, i look outside the beautiful moment of watching leaving the land & watching from the Plane's window. 

   As soon as plan reached the stable height, the outside view was no less than like heaven in the night.....
  It was like I was flying between the clouds and the moon seems to be just few distance away from me. No doubt the view of earth from sky was an awesome and storing it in eye forever. 

  After some time, the hostess reached out to each passengers asking for refreshment snacks if they needed. I ordered for Mayonnaise-Tomato Sandwich & Coke.

   It was just 50 minutes journey.Soon the landing time came closer, i captured the beautiful outside scene in my Lumia phone. Have a look...

 Finally the plane landed. Air hostess thanked us for choosing the INDIGO  for the journey. Indeed it was a New experience to go through.  

Though it is not a first time for many but, still some of  us are waiting to turn this dream true.

    Hope it happens soon 😉 ! Happy Journey !!

   If you like my First experience, do not forget to share your views in the comment section below..