Wednesday, 27 September 2017



    दानेन तुल्यो विधिरास्ति नान्यो लोभोच नान्योस्ति रिपु: पॄथिव्या |

     विभूषणं शीलसमं च नान्यत् सन्तोषतुल्यं धनमस्ति नान्यत् ||

 " There is no ritual which is as noble as Donation. There is no enemy as Greed on this earth. There is no other ornament like SHEELA(Good Character). There is no wealth as satisfaction. "

      The Above Sanskrit Shloka signifies the importance of Donation dated back to time of "Rushimunis. "  The ritual is world widely accepted by the people and they celebrate it what we call as  "Daan Utsav - The Joy of Giving week.

   Celebrated every year during 2nd October to 8th October, marking the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. People get actively involved in it not only by investing money or donating goods, but also by investing their Time & Skills  which in India is also called as "Shramdaan- Donating Efforts, not money."  

 Corporates, NGO's and government sectors, schools, colleges and the general public contribute to this  "Joy of Giving Week" in numerous ways they can; for example, Corporate Social Responsiblity - Responsiblity of Corporate world towards Society. 

After great Support by our donors, Shraamdaan by our volunteers last year, we tried to make the underprivileged people smile. This year too Lets Spread Love Pune is celebrating Daan Utsav on 2nd and 8th of October'17 in form of Dry Ration and Clothes donation drive.

     If you are willing to contribute in Dry Ration drive, you can donate Wheat/Sugar/Groundnut and many more  as shown in the below pic. 
    For Clothes Donation drive, we have put on some guidelines as follows:

  • Clothes must be clean and in condition to be used by others.
  •  It should not be torned anywhere.

 you can reach out to Diksha- 7741857637 or Anand(me)- 9545918137

  You can also connect us on facebook at  LSLPUNE

        "😊Lets Spread Love - Spreading Smiles😊"

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